Is your car making funny sounds? Check engine light on? Bring your car into Pepe’s Auto Repair shop for a complimentary engine diagnosis. Our qualified mechanics use the latest technologies to locate and diagnose any automotive problems that require our one-of-a-kind car service or auto repair. If your car is telling you to service engine soon, leave it with us and rest assured it is in good, caring hands.
Tiene sonidos raros en insoportables en su auto? Tiene la luz de check engine prendida? Necesita inspeccion y no sabe donde ir? Traiga su carro a Pepe’s Auto Repair y diagnosticaremos su auto sin ningun costo. Nuestros tecnicos combinan su conocimiento y tecnologia para diagnosticar y reparar desperfecto que tenga su auto. Ya sea por mantenimiento, reparacion o inspeccion; deje su auto con nosotros y tenga la tranquilidad de que esta en buenas manos.
There can be numerous reasons your vehicle’s check engine light is on, from a loose gas cap to something more serious. The light indicates an excess amount of emissions emitting from your vehicle. When this light turns on, the driver should drive the vehicle to a mechanic as soon as possible. Bring your car or truck into our awarded auto repair shop for a complimentary engine diagnosis and let our qualified mechanics find the problem.
We at Pepe's Auto Repair value our customers which is why transparency and honesty is of the utmost importance. Our complimentary engine diagnosis will identify all potential problems, but our expert mechanics will only repair those that are absolutely necessary while notifying you about what else should be taken care of soon.